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Table 3 Knowledge of Subjects About HIV/AIDS

From: A Comparative Study of HIV/AIDS: The Knowledge, Attitudes, and Risk Behaviors of Schizophrenic and Diabetic Patients in Regard to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria

Area of Knowledge

Schizophrenia n (%)

Diabetes n (%)

Statistical Significance (P Value)

Correct use of condom is protective

64 (65.3)

40 (71.4)

P =.435

Can get HIV from mosquito bites

23 (23.5)

9 (16.1)

P =.276

Having one uninfected faithful partner is safe

78 (79.6)

48 (85.7)

P =.343

Abstaining from sex is protective

82 (83.7)

48 (85.7)

P =.737

Can get HIV by sharing meals

21 (21.4)

6 (10.7)

P =.093

Can get HIV through sharing sharp objects

81 (82.7)

54 (96.4)

P =.012

Healthy-looking person can have HIV

68 (69.4)

45 (80.4)

P =.138

Mother can transmit HIV to unborn baby

60 (61.2)

43 (76.8)

P =.048

Can get HIV through breastfeeding

52 (53.1)

36 (64.3)

P =.176