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` HIV Resistance Genotypes of the 2 Patients With 3-Class Antiretroviral Drug Resistance at the time of the Sexual Risk Events

From: A Population-Based and Longitudinal Study of Sexual Behavior and Multidrug-Resistant HIV Among Patients in Clinical Care

Patient Engagingin Sexual Risk

CD4+ Cell Count and HIV Viral Load

HIV Genotype

# Unprotected Sexual Events

(# penile-vaginal or anal) [Partners exposed]

White Female IDU

429 cells/mcL

10,400 HIV RNA copies/mL

PI-46L, 82A


RTI-41L, 184V, 210W, 215Y, 219Q

7 (7)


Black Male MSM

51 cells/mcL

75,000 HIV RNA copies/mL

PI-10I, 46L, 54L, 71V, 82A

NNRTI - 181C, 190A

RTI-67N, 210W, 215Y, 219N

1 (1)


  1. IDU = injection-drug user; mcL = microliter; PI = protease inhibitor; NNRTI-nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NRTI = reverse transcriptase inhibitor; MSM = man who has sex with men.