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Table 3 Adjusted Hazard Ratios (HR)* and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) of the effect of High Risk Express Care (HREC) vs. Routine Care on: a) Death, b) Lost to Follow-up (LTFU), and c) Death or LTFU (combined endpoint) following cART initiation

From: A clinician-nurse model to reduce early mortality and increase clinic retention among high-risk HIV-infected patients initiating combination antiretroviral treatment

Effect of high risk express care on eligible patients


Loss to follow-up

Death or


Loss to follow-up


N events: 426

N events: 1299

N events: 1725

Unadjusted HR

0.60 (0.48-0.74)

0.63 (0.56-0.71)

0.63 (0.58-0.69)

(95% CI)

Robust Std. Err.: 0.06

Robust Std. Err.: 0.04

Robust Std. Err.: 0.03

Adjusted HR

0.59 (0.45-0.77)

0.62 (0.55-0.70)

0.62 (0.57-0.67)

(95% CI)

Robust Std. Err.: 0.08

Robust Std. Err.: 0.04

Robust Std. Err: 0.03

  1. *Adjusted using propensity scores for clinic, the use of cotrimoxazole or dapsone, CD4 count closest to cART initiation, receiving treatment for tuberculosis,, gender, age, clinic type (Referral Hospital, Sub-District and District Hospitals, and Rural Health Centres), and travel time to clinic.