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Table 4 Cumulative risk of HIV infection by 9-24 months and/or death by 9 months old among HIV-exposed children, Rwanda PMTCT programme, 2009

From: HIV-free survival among nine- to 24-month-old children born to HIV-positive mothers in the Rwandan national PMTCT programme: a community-based household survey

Child's outcome

Total number of children assessed&

No % (95% CI)

Yes % (95% CI)



95.8 (94.8-96.9)

4.2 (2.1-3.9)

HIV infection


96.0 (95.0-.97.1)

4.0 (2.9-5.0)

HIV infection and/or death


91.9* (90.4-.93.3)

8.1 (6.7-9.6)

  1. &The total number of children assessed represents the population of HIV-exposed children assessed for each outcome
  2. * The value in this cell estimates the proportion of children alive and free of HIV, defined as HIV-free survival by 9-24 months