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Figure 3 | Journal of the International AIDS Society

Figure 3

From: How funding structures for HIV/AIDS research shape outputs and utilization: a Swiss case study

Figure 3

Public funding for basic research on HIV/AIDS (in Swiss francs, 1990-2010). For 1990 to 2003, only project funding of the CCAR and the ECA is included; the period of 2004 to 2010 comprises project funding and individual/career development funding of the SNSF. The data is comprehensive for the social sciences and the Swiss Cohort Study, but public funding for biomedical and other clinical research between 1990 and 2003 is not comprehensive because the separate funding of the SNSF is not included in this diagram. Sources: 1990-99: CCAR; 2000-2003: SNSF/ECA, 2004-2010: SNSF.

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