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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients on second-line antiretroviral regimens for more than 24 months at the Calmette Hospital/ESTHER cohort in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

From: High efficacy of lopinavir/r-based second-line antiretroviral treatment after 24 months of follow up at ESTHER/Calmette Hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Second-line cohort (n = 70)

Male [n (%)]

51 (72.8)

Median age [years(IQR)*]

40 (37-46)

ARV* naïve before first line [n (%)]

15 (21.4)

PI naïve at switch [n (%)]

70 (100.0)

Initial first-line ARV treatment


d4T/3TC/EFV [n (%)]

18 (26.1)

d4T/3TC/NVP [n (%)]

12 (17.1)

AZT/3TC/NVP [n (%)]

23 (33.3)

AZT/3TC/EFV [n (%)]

13 (18.8)

Other first lines [n (%)]

4 (5.8)

Follow-up time on first-line HAART* (months)


Median (IQR)

26.6 (15.2-29.4)

Characteristics at switch


CD4 T-cell counts (n)


Median nb cells/mm3 [n (IQR)]

106 (42-168)

Count <50 cells/mm3 [n (%)]

20 (28.6)

Median viral load (n = 65), [Log10 (IQR)]

4.7 (3.1-5.4)

Prescribed second-line ARV treatment


ddI/3TC/LPV/r [n (%)]

46 (65.7)

TDF/3TC/LPV/r [n (%)]

5 (7.1)

TDF/ddI/LPV/r [n (%)]

7 (10.0)

AZT/ddI/LPV/r [n (%)]

6 (8.6)

AZT/3TC/LPV/r[n (%)]

2 (2.9)

Other second lines [n (%)]

4 (5.7)

Follow-up time on second-line HAART (months)


Median (IQR)

37.3 (34.2-39.0)

  1. * IQR: interquartile range, ARV: antiretroviral, HAART: highly active antiretroviral treatment