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Table 2 Themes and sub-themes of stigmatization of HIV/AIDS in healthcare system

From: Experiences of stigma in healthcare settings among adults living with HIV in the Islamic Republic of Iran



1. Causes of stigma

a) Healthcare providers fear of being infected


b) Healthcare providers' views on sexual orientation, drug abuse, prostitution and adultery

2. Forms of stigma in healthcare settings

a) Refusal of care


b) Sub-optimal care


c) Excessive precautions and physical distancing


d) Humiliation or verbal and non-verbal psychological abuse and blaming

3. Consequences of stigma

a) Avoiding or delaying seeking healthcare


b) Not adhering to HIV treatment


c) Refusing disclosure of HIV status when seeking care


d) Feeling undeserving of care and diminished motivation to stay healthy


e) Using violence and feeling vengeful


f) Using spiritual healing as a substitute for conventional care


g) Feeling emotional stress