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Figure 2 | Journal of the International AIDS Society

Figure 2

From: Is there an association between PEPFAR funding and improvement in national health indicators in Africa? A retrospective study

Figure 2

Graphical display of fractional changes in each of the 14 health indicators considered, with each plotted point representing a single country. As in Figure 1, countries to the left of the vertical line in each panel are non-focus countries and those to the right of the line are PEPFAR focus countries. The health indicators are: (a) adult mortality rate; (b) deaths due to TB among HIV-negative people; (c) deaths due to TB among HIV-positive people; (d) incidence of TB; (e) infant mortality rate; (f) life expectancy at birth; (g) neonates PAB against neonatal tetanus; (h) one year olds immunized with MCV; (i) one-year-olds immunized with three doses of DTP; (j) population with sustained access to improved drinking water; (k) population with sustained access to improved sanitation; (l) prevalence of TB; (m) TB detection rate under DOTS; and (n) under-five mortality rate

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